Friday, May 27, 2016

Summer Wishlist

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Hey y'all! It's officially summer for me, so I thought I would share this fun summer wishlist! The bright colors and print of this Target bathing suit top are perfect for summer. I love that the straps are removable because I'm a big fan of bandeau tops (no tan lines)! I'm also a big fan of anything tow-toned and anything Jack Rogers, so I instantly fell in love with this pair! But these wedges (heart eye emoji). I'm obsessed!! The floral detailing is such a cute, unexpected design. And look at that floppy hat (insert heart eye emoji again), a perfect hat for vacation! I'm so excited  for summer and to finally take some beach trips! What products are y'all eyeing for this summer?

xo, christina

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Welcome to My Next Greatest Adventure!

Hi, welcome to my blog! I'm Christina and I'm so glad you're here!

This life is filled with so many wonders and so much to be passionate about. There's a few things I'm passionate about, and plan to build this blog around-my relationship with God, fashion, beauty, and baking. Sometimes life gets hectic, and there's times when you have to be intentional about what you do. Whether it's your thoughts, actions, words, or passions- there's times when I strive for more. I strive to be kinder, more courageous, more compassionate, etc. I want to use this blog as a way for me to able to strive to be a better person and Christian. I've decided to document my life to share and hopefully, encourage others and because I think it will be fun! Summer is almost here, and what's better then pursuing your passions?! I hope you join me as I grow, and this blog grows with me. I also hope you strive endlessly for what makes you happy.
"Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire".

Thanks for reading!
